Envy Pretty Girls

07/12/2010 14:44

Dear Aiko

I envy pretty girls to the point where it is ruining my life. They get everything.They know how beautiful they are and they feel superior.They get all the attention, teachers like them better they can wear cute clothes.


Dear Dana,

    Cute clothes don't make people beautiful, confidence and a positive attitude do. Look for the good in people. Make friends by showing intrest in others and listening to them, rather than dwelling on your own problems, like envy.  Here's a good quote about real beauty:

 "Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical." ~Sophia Loren


How would you handle this?

Date 07/14/2010

By Lucky

Subject Positivity


Look for the good in people, it's made life a lot easier for me.