Annoying Sister

02/21/2010 12:29

Dear Aiko,

    Sometimes in the morning my little sister acts like she's the boss. She nags me about getting ready on time and "punishes" me by sitting in the front seat of the car (which has the seat heater!!) if I'm running late. How should I deal with this? I love my sister, but this is very annoying.


Troubled Sister 

Dear Troubled Sister,

   Your sister seems like someone who really wants to be on time. Try to look at this in her shoes. How would you feel if you really cared about something and someone was making you late? One thing would help a lot... to be on time! Being able to get ready and get places on time is a really good trait. If you are still late, and she is still pestering you, you can politely ask to stop. If she won't, tell her that annoying you isn't helping you get ready any faster. And maybe she can sit on the front seat and have the seat heater every once and a while if she doesn't annoy you. :)




How would you handle this?

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